read em and weep

What is Balance Anyway?

This question has been seriously bouncing around my head for a while now and the more and more I think about it the more I am convinced that “balance” doesn’t actually exist. Now before you think I’m a pessimist, hear me out!

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What’s life without sharing?

imagine living and just NOT sharing everything online?! Crazy concept right? I feel like I’ve been spending so much time over the last few years living and not sharing.. or at least not oversharing that I wouldn’t even know where to begin if I wanted to start sharing.

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Chapter 1: Back in Toronto

I didn’t know that I was going to be writing this until it was already happening. Here’s to being surprised by yourself and letting humility NOT get the best of you!

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Love Languages

I’ve recently seen a lot on social about “Love Languages” and it made me wonder… Have I been speaking my love language backwards to everyone I fall for?

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